Israel celebrates the killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. In a speech to the nation, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ...
Die 27 EU-Staaten fordern „entschlossene Maßnahmen auf allen Ebenen zur Erleichterung und Beschleunigung der Rückführungen“.
The 27 EU member states are calling for "decisive action at all levels to facilitate and speed up returns". The EU Commission ...
Sebastian Ofner hat am Donnerstag auch die zweite Fuß-Operation gut überstanden. Österreichs aktuell bester Tennisspieler ...
Sebastian Ofner also came through his second foot operation well on Thursday. Austria's currently best tennis player had ...
Hurrikan „Milton“ machte ihm in der Vorwoche noch einen Strich durch die Rechnung, doch am Donnerstag konnte US-Präsident Joe ...
Hurricane Milton threw a spanner in the works the previous week, but on Thursday US President Joe Biden was still able to fly ...
Flattrack racer Max Hellmann has his first world championship behind him. He has learned a lot and has also received high ...
Red Bull lenkt nach Diskussionen mit dem Internationalen Automobilverband FIA ein und nimmt Veränderungen am Formel-1-Auto ...
Following discussions with the International Automobile Federation (FIA), Red Bull relents and makes changes to the Formula 1 ...
There has been speculation for a long time, but it was only confirmed this Thursday evening: according to information from ...
Riesiger Besucheransturm in der Szene erforderte zur Eröffnung des Musikfestivals „Jazz & the City“ kurzzeitig Einlass-Stopp.